Biogas can also be produced from waste (or OFMSW: organic fraction of municipal solid waste).
The OFMSW is delivered to the plant and discharged directly into the shed, the space dedicated for acceptance. The discharge takes place from the outside through the openings load equipped with automatic doors closing.
Depending on the purity of the material entering a first separation of the impurities takes place in the system of separation (organic -inorganic). The installation of such a system is provided for only in the case that the input material has a high degree of impurities.
Otherwise it is sufficient pretreatment through the implantation of squeezing. The system divides the pressing non-organic or organic impurities too hard for fermentation from the easily "digested" by the plant. The product is collected in the squeezed pre-storage, where it is mixed together and silage extracted from the dispenser.
Biogas can be used for two main purposes:
- produce electricity and heat (cogeneration)
- produce biomethane
The residual product of the fermentation process, the substances not "digested" during the process, is an excellent fertilizer, which can be used for each type of vegetation. |